CTV News Part 1 - How to move through Divorce in the Right Way by Avoiding the Traditional System

19 September 2024

Is there light at the end of the tunnel? After helping thousands of clients divorce over 18 years, Karen Stewart shares her personal experiences in this CTV News interview. Learn how you can preserve your integrity, protect your assets, protect against legal bills. In other words, maintain hope about the future in your separation and divorce with Karen’s insight.

In this first interview of a series of three, Karen talks with CTV News Edmonton about divorce statistics and the differences between the “broken” traditional divorce system and the Fairway divorce process. Having gone through a lengthy divorce herself, this experience gave Karen insight into the limitations of the traditional system.

This video is of 2018, but it’s as relevant now as it was then!

Introduction: My Journey Through Divorce

Let me be upfront—divorce is not something I ever imagined myself becoming an expert on. But life has a funny way of steering you into roles you never expected. My divorce was a nightmare that dragged on for five long years, costing me over half a million dollars in legal fees and leaving scars that took years to heal. If someone had told me back then that I'd one day create an alternative to the traditional divorce system, I probably would have laughed—through the tears, of course.

But here I am, sharing my story with you in the hope that you can avoid the mistakes I made. Divorce doesn’t have to be a war. It can be a process that preserves your dignity, protects your assets, and, most importantly, puts your children’s well-being at the forefront. Let me show you how.

The Reality of Divorce in Canada

Did you know that nearly 40-45% of first-time marriages in Canada end in divorce? Yep, it’s a reality many of us face, and I was right there in the thick of it. The stats are even higher for second and third marriages. You’d think we’d learn from our mistakes, but apparently, we’re just stubbornly optimistic (or gluttons for punishment). I’ve seen these numbers play out in my own life and the lives of countless others who’ve come to Fairway for help. The good news? It doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your future. There’s a path forward that allows you to maintain hope and focus on what really matters.

My Personal Story of Transformation

Eighteen years ago, I found myself in the middle of a five-year court battle that seemed to have no end in sight. Half a million dollars in legal fees later, I was left with a co-parenting situation that was, to put it mildly, a disaster. My ex-husband and I couldn’t stand to be in the same room, and the damage done to our family was profound. If I had known then what I know now, I would have done things very differently.

That’s why I created Fairway Divorce Solutions. I wanted to offer people an alternative to the nightmare I went through—a way to end a marriage without destroying your family in the process. Believe me, I know how important it is to preserve relationships, especially when children are involved. I’ve lived it. I’ve felt the pain of doing it the wrong way, and I’m passionate about helping others do it the right way.

How Fairway Divorce Solutions Differs from the Traditional System

Let me tell you, the traditional divorce system is about as fun as a root canal. It pits you and your spouse against each other in a battle over who gets what, with your kids caught in the middle. It’s exhausting, expensive, and emotionally draining. I know because I’ve been there. At Fairway, we do things differently. We focus on finding common ground and working together to reach a solution that works for both of you.

One of the things that drove me absolutely crazy during my divorce was watching the legal bills pile up with no end in sight. That’s why we use a flat fee structure at Fairway. No more watching the clock while your lawyer racks up hours. We’re all about transparency and fairness, and that starts with making sure you know what you’re paying for from the get-go.

Time is of the Essence

If there’s one thing I learned from my divorce, it’s that time is your worst enemy. The longer the process drags on, the more damage it does—to your finances, your relationships, and your sanity. In the traditional system, divorces can take three to four years to finalize. That’s three to four years of your life that you’ll never get back. At Fairway, we aim to complete the process within 120 days. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people breathe a sigh of relief when they realize they can move on with their lives in a matter of months instead of years.

Taking the War Out of Divorce

Here’s a little secret: There’s no such thing as “winning” in a divorce. The real victory is coming out the other side with your dignity intact and your relationships (especially with your kids) as strong as possible. At Fairway, we take the war out of divorce by focusing on what really matters—your future. And trust me, after what I went through, I know that a peaceful resolution is worth its weight in gold.

Conclusion: A New Path Forward

Divorce doesn’t have to be a battle. I’ve been through the worst of it, and I came out the other side determined to make sure others don’t have to suffer the same way. Through Fairway Divorce Solutions, I’ve helped countless families navigate this difficult process with integrity, fairness, and hope for the future. If you’re facing the challenges of divorce, consider the Fairway approach. It’s not just about ending a marriage; it’s about starting a new chapter—one that’s filled with possibilities.

Fairway Divorce Solutions

Get a fair divorce as fast and painless as possible, protect your children, and preserve your assets. Would you like to find out more about your options for a separation? Contact us for a free consultation with a divorce mediation experts.

You may be interested in the other interviews of Karen Stewart by CTV Edmonton: